This is my final version of our stop motion (PG) this was a forced edit due the damn law
I think our animation went well considering the faulty camera we had (kept zooming in and out). overall the story did differ from our original planning as we added numerous universes. when we were shooting the animation we ran into a few problems, one being that the props would sometime fall over so we used blu tack. the animation took us 2 fridays (6hours) to take the images. the video editing was done at home on iMovie, there were several versions before the final one, i also shared editing with my team mate Steven but he was using Movie Maker so in the end he added a opening scene to my version and uploaded it to his blog (
the easiest part of the whole process for me would have to be the editing as iMovie is very linear and simple and offers great tools.
Compared to proffesionals i think our animation is not far off, if we had a better camera and more resources we could have done a lot more.
Our class enjoyed the animation as they found it humerus and thought there was good use of sound.
if there was anything i could improve on it would have to be to get props that had more flexibility as some of the ones we used were to stiff and unbalanced and maybe a bit too big.
if our team did it again i would get better props, camera and spend less time arguing and falling out with team mates.